Sam, Olivia and Julie
Olivia and Julie, BFF's
Sean - cutie!
-Last Friday was Teacher's Day, where kids bring their teachers presents. Because I am so new I didn't expect any but I was overwhelmed with presents! My most favourite was not the present, but the card from a boy named Brandt - it went a little something like this:
"Ms Sophie. Dear Sophie, thank you for teaching us. I love your mouth. I love you, Love Brandt"
It killed me! I love your mouth?! I can only assume he meant smile?! Very funny. Otherwise I got a whole buncha nice smelling moisturisers, body washes etc - I think they're trying to tell me I smell bad? And a fabulous towel with monkeys on it. Very cute.
-Yesterday a 6-year-old boy sat in my class singing "sexy sexy sexy" for some time - not sure whether he is aware of what it means, because he grins cheekily at everything, and he loves words with 'x's in them. Giggled inwardly though
- I also recently was marking a spelling test were several students misspelt "Counting" - most forgot the "o" - another inward giggle for that one!
- Lots of the kids are getting married, they're all engaged to each other, it's very cute, and so far I have had one marriage proposal, so I asked when we were going to get married and he said "When I am big. When I am 900 and you are zero".. I feel I may be a jilted bride.
-I've had my nose prodded and poked more times than I'd care to count, they are fascinated by its pointiness
-I have also spent a class being called fish teacher because I have big eyes - a rarity here
-A wee girl Cherry is convinced I am having a baby. On the second day she came and rubbed my belly and said "baby?" and I said "no baby" (I wanted to say food baby but I think it would get lost in translation) and then about a week ago, she did it again, and I rubbed her belly and said "baby?" and she said "Noo! No baby, you are a woman!". Bless her wee cottons, I think she's been learning about the birds and the bees at home!
They're very cute...
I've never been in Korea, I wish I could go there someday!