The absolute terror at the thought of having small fish eat my flesh didn't seem to be enough to hold back the peer pressure of being taken to Doctor Fish in Seoul. For those who don't know, these wee piranaha-types love nothing more than to nibble away at your skin, taking off layers of dead skin and leaving things lovely and smooth after.
My first encounter was at an aquarium where you put your hand into a tank of them - these were the size of whitebait and I couldn't handle it, but besides intentionally eating dog meat, I'm prepared to do almost anything once while I'm here so away we went to this lovely looking coffee shop, where we paid about $5 for a cup of tea and $2 for the Dr Fish.
Here's a lovely view of some latching on to Kathleen's leg (they seemed to prefer that to her feet, understandably)

Pretty gross right? So we got our feet cleaned then plonked them straight into this little foot spa brimming with fish which I had expected to be itsy bitsy but were actually the size of regular goldfish - and there was another tank with larger ones too!

The first five minutes I could not control myself, I had to cover my mouth so as not to scream and scare off the other people in the cafe, and it was the most unpleasant ticklish experience of my life. I was prepared to pull out and write it off but I persevered and after that it was actually rather nice! After about 10 minutes I was actually able to handle looking into the tank and seeing why my feet were so damn ticklish.

Happier than the start

Just prior to the first plunge, the grossest bit was watching their little mouths hit the surface of the water almost begging you to give them some grotty dead skin to live on.

Yes, all these photos are backward - this is Laura in a fit of laughter at the beginning.
Afterward my feet were definitely improved and I almost wish I had a tank to keep them looking nice everyday - living in jandals does not make for pretty toes (nor does having my feet)Apparently you can also do full body, I don't know if I am ready for that though.
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