Day ONE - involved a sleep over at school for the kinders, which was super cute. After a full day of classes the kids came back with their mums and I hosted a show and tell contest with the two youngest classes. Very cute, all the usual things happened, one kid shouted his entire speech, another spoke into his chest and put on silly voices and acted like an idiot, and one refused even to stand up and give his speech.
Then we had a huge dinner with all the parents and kids together. Mostly involved smiling politely as a lot of them can't speak much/any English themselves, but they are interested in how you look (let's face it, this is a very superficial society and that's important to them)
Then the kids got put into their pjs for a fashion show. The parents left at this point and there were MANY tears from kids about a night away from them.
(she must be about 10 our age) * and please
note, none of us chose to wear the baby pink
polo shirts, it was forced upon us for camp, horrid.
a game of freeze
was all bandaged up, which my coworker
Conrad found very amusing
Oscar is hilarious, he just giggles and is always
in his own little world, Sam is super smart but
lately getting very angry and having huge tantys.
Meanwhile Daniel is not very intelligent, and not very
cute, and not very nice all round.
Day TWO - was a trip to Ocean World, Korea's largest waterpark, with some of our older afternoon students. Fun you say? Well, I thought it would be but involved instead hours and hours of stress at missing children. I mean, harm probably won't come to them in a waterpark with so many lifeguards around and all, but as a group, we had NO contingency plan for missing children, even AFTER I'd misplaced two of them before lunchtime. And it was camp day at the park so it was teeming with thousands of Korean children, all wearing matching lifejackets. I can recognise the kids I teach anywhere, but was given a group of children I didn't know from a bar of soap and I instantly lost them, it was like looking for hay in a haystack, it all looks the same.
every day and they're very sweet, Erica can be
very bossy, and Lynn kinda strange, but I think
they're great.
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